


Being one of the four major bodhisattvas in Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva of Mahayana Buddhism. He was famous for being “patient and generous as the ground and as thoughtful and peaceful as treasure, symbolizing great vows. People also called him as Dayuan Dizang Pusa (Bodhisattva King Ksitigarbha of the Great Vow). People usually regard Daoming and Mingong as his attendant gods.


대승불교의 4대 보살 중 하나로, ‘대지처럼 평화롭게 인내하는 부동심을 지녔고, 숨겨진 보물처럼 고요하게 사색에 잠겨 있으며 성품이 깊다’고 알려져있습니다. 큰 포부를 상징해 ‘대원지장왕보살(大願地藏王菩薩)’이라고 불리기도 합니다. 민간에서는도명(道明)과 민공(閔公)을 협시신으로 많이 모십니다.