


Tianshang Shengmu is also called as “Mazu.” , “Tianhou” etc. Being a representative of the sea goddess in southern Chinese culture. Qianligan (Clairvoyance), one of the servants of the goddess is standing at one side, holding a Fantian huaji (Square sky halberd) in his left hand with his right hand raised to his eyebrow as if watching things afar. The other servant, Shunfenger (Clairaudience) is standing at the other side, holding Yuemei hutou (half-moon axe) in his left hand with his right hand raised to his right ear as if listening to sounds from afar.


‘마조(媽祖)’, ‘천후(天后)’라고도 하며, 중화 문화의 해신을 대표합니다. 마차 앞에는각각 왼손에는 방천화극(方天畫戟)을 들고오른손으로는 멀리 내다볼 수 있도록 이마에달린 눈을 가리키고 있는 ‘천리안(千里眼)’과, 왼손에는 월미부두(月眉斧頭)를 들고 오른손으로는 소리를 잘 들을 수 있는 한쪽 귀를 가리키고 있는 ‘순풍이(順風耳)’라는 호위신이 있습니다.