Being one of the five Wenchang, he was named Guan Yu of the kingdom of Su Han during the era of Three Kingdoms, aka Yunchang. Emperors in the later dynasties had honored him with various titles and “Wu Sheng” (the Sage of Martial Arts) was the highest honor. As he was good at financial management, businesspeople also worship him as a guardian god.
5대 문창 중 하나로, 삼국시대 촉한의 관우(자는 운장雲長)입니다. 역대 군왕들이 모두 추봉했으며, ‘무성(武聖)’이라는 최고 영예의 존칭으로 불리고 있습니다. 또한, 생전에 재정에 밝아, 상업계에 종사하는사람들도 수호신으로 모시고 있습니다.